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Seminario Hermes 2021

Datas: 24 e 25 de xuño de 2021 Actividade pechada

Hermes Consortium for Literary & Cultural Studies Virtual Seminar “Space, Affect, Memory: Performances and Representations”. 24 e 25 de xuño de 2021. Organización: Fernando Cabo Aseguinolaza, César Domínguez e Tomás Espino.


Máis información: https://hermes.au.dk/previouslyheldsem


Seminario Hermes 2021

JUNE 24th

Welcome (9:15): Fernando Cabo Aseguinolaza

Keynote lecture 1 (9:30h)

Ben Anderson (Durham University): “Capitalism and Affective Change: A Geohistory of Boredom”.

Introduction by Fernando Cabo Aseguinolaza.

Panel 1 (11:30h‐13h)

Chair: Jennifer Rushworth.

Tim Gupwell (Montpellier) “Space, affect, Memory: D. H. Lawrence's Mornings in Mexico (1927)”.

Kateřina Kovářová (Prague): “The Landscape of Memory: Cormac McCarthy’s Blood Meridian or The

Evening Redness in the West”.

Anne‐Sophie Bogetoft Mortensen (Roskilde): “Writing and Reclaiming the Shore in Anglocreole

Caribbean Literature”.

Panel 2 (14:30h‐16h)

Chair: Catarina Nunes de Almeida.

Flavio Paredes Cruz (Montpellier): “Nostalgia for the defeated: images of pre‐Columbian America in

French‐Belgian comics”.

Richard Vargas (Giessen): “The Representation of Spaces of Conflict in Contemporary Graphic Novels.

Case‐study of La Palizúa, Sin Mascar Palabra, and Caminos Condenados”.

Joanne Britland (OSL): “Comedic Performance: Cinematic Responses to the 2008 Social and Financial

Crisis in Spain”.

Panel 3 (16:30h‐18h)

Chair: Christine Reynier.

Sarah Moxham (UCL): “Excavating the Sky, Ulassai 1981: Community Remapping through Poetic‐

Performative Pedagogy”.

Jonas Prinzleve (Lisbon): “The Coloniality of Urban Narrative Space: City Branding, Cultural Memory

and ‘Affective Mis‐Interpellation’ in Lisbon and Hamburg”.

Angela Princiotto (USC): “Performing Space, Affect and Memory in the diaspora”.

Keynote Lecture 2 (18:30h)

Helena Míguélez‐Carballeira (Bangor University): “Galicia on Netflix: rural spaces and queer

temporalities”. Introduction by César Domínguez.



Panel 4 (10h‐11:30h)

Chair: Florian Mussgnug.

Asmaa Hassaneen (Aarhus): “Homeland, One Journey, Two Paths. Space and Affect in the Travelling

Memory of Palestine in Two Sagas”.

Miriam Miscoli (Siena): “The vanished motherland. Mnestic topographies in the poetry of Paul Celan”.

Katia Marcellin (Montpellier) “Wandering Traumatised Spaces: Performing Spatial and Temporal

Vulnerabilities in Jon McGregor’s Even the Dogs”.

Panel 5 (12h‐13:30h)

Chair: Karen‐Margrethe Simonsen.

Rebecca Marie Murray (Prague): “Gambling, Capital and Self‐Regulation: Adventure‐Making as Risk‐

Taking in Godwin’s St. Leon (1799)”.

Laura Camino (USC): “Affectivity in History: An Exploration through Medieval Texts”.

Eva Zimmermann (Giessen): “The Influence of Affect on the Positioning of Dramaturgical Work within

Discursive Spaces”.

Panel 6 (15h‐16:30h)

Chair: Pablo Valdivia.

Ana Romão Alves (Lisbon): “Performing Warfare from Afar: The Gendered Implications of Spatial

Displacement in Good Kill (2014) and Eye in the Sky (2015)”.

Eric Wistrom (Wisconsin‐Madison): “Affect and the Limits of Cultural Performativity in Y.B.’s Allah


Lyu Guangzhao (UCL): “The Heterotopic Enclaves and Capitalist Monster in China Miéville’s ‘New

Weird’ Story ‘Perdido Street Station’”.

Keynote Lecture 3 (17h)

Germán Labrador (Princeton University): “Colombuscopies. Migrant geographies of the Hispanic

Atlantic and national memory sites, from 1898 to 2020”. Introduction by Tomás Espino.